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Privacy Policy



This states how I uses your personal data when you interact with me for services of counselling.


As a registered member of the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) I abide by their standards and ethical requirements which include the strict guidance on the requirements of confidentiality.


Personal client data I hold


Identity data

  • Title, First Name, Last Name

  • Preferred pronouns


Contact data

  • Includes: Mailing Address, Email address, Telephone number

  • GP details

  • Telephone and email details are held on my personal password protected computer and smartphone


Session data

  • I hold brief notes to provide cues and reminders of session detail.

  • These notes are anonymised so that you cannot be identified and will not be stored alongside your contact information.

  • These notes may be handwritten and held in a locked fireproof cabinet, or held on my personal password protected computer.


How long I keep client data

  • I will keep client data for as long as required by my professional bodies and my professional indemnity insurers. As soon as the retaining period has lapsed all notes and records will be destroyed.


When I use your personal data


For the purpose of contacting client with any of the following options:

  • To arrange/rearrange any session

  • To submit an invoice

  • To submit a receipted invoice

  • To provide any information that I might have agreed to supply

  • To provide any updated information regarding my services




  • I will never pass clients’ personal information to any third party unless you require me to do so and we have talked it through. The exception to this would be if I thought a client may seriously harm themselves or another person or if I was compelled by the law to disclose information.

  • The only exception where client data will be shared is under the terms of my clinical will, which I am ethically required to have in place, for the care and protection of my clients in the event of my sudden death or incapacity. Under those circumstances only, the executors of my will can access the contact data I hold, to inform all of my clients, and to ensure that all records pertaining to my practice are subsequently destroyed. My executor will not read any clinical records.

  • I attend regular professional supervision to ensure safe and ethical practice. I will not share information in a way that clients can be identified unless one of the exceptions above applies.



  • I pay a fee to the Office of the Information Commissioner, as required by the legislation governing data control.


Amended April 2021

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